| 04.01.2004 | Definition Lists - Who Knew?
Wow. Who knew there was such a thing as definition lists? I certainly should have, but didn't. Shame on me!
In other news, I'm giving TopStyle Pro a whirl. It's written by Nick Bradbury, the author of the original Homesite (pre-Allaire, pre-Macromedia). It feels almost like home!
CSS Layout Techniques is a beautiful list of layouts and how to accomplish using CSS vs. tables. Yowzah. This, along with a much needed redesign, is going to be my next big web project.
This is REALLY clever and neat use of border-left in menus. Swiped from milov.nl:
ul.menu li a
{ padding-left: 10px; }
ul.menu li a:hover
{ border-left: 5px solid orange;
padding-left: 5px; }
ul.links li a
{ padding-left: 0px; }
More theft from Randy Peterman via TopStyle news group:
There are a lot out there, in no particular order, places I've learned include (but in no way limited to are)
- www.csszengarden.com - view the source on the various style sheets
- www.meyerweb.com - explore this site, you'll find good resources here
- www.mako4css.com - a great tutorial here for getting started
- www.alistapart.com - maybe more advanced topics will be covered here
- www.htmldog.com - a great beginner's source for HTML+CSS
- texturizer.net/firefox/ - look at the bottom of the page for their style switcher - this will show you a locked menu (that works in Mozilla & other standards compliant browsers, but not IE, since it really misses the boat on the "position: fixed" CSS rule). This is what you're asking for above.