| 04.26.2004 | Emma's First Egg Hunt

Emma's first Easter Egg hunt was at a city park in lovely Rancho Santa Margarita. This was the first of three during the week leading up to Easter.

As you might expect, she had a blast. We arrived a little bit late and missed the egg hunt for her age group. Not to worry, though. Several folks from her playgroup were there and were kind enough to share their booty with her. (We snuck in to hunt with the 3-4 year old group, so all was not lost.)

After the egg hunt died down we went and visited the Easter Bunny. It doesn't look like it in this picture, but Emma love the bunnies. The grimace on her face is her straining to get the lollipop the nice lady was holding up to try and get her to smile.

She finally got that lollipop (another first) and was happy to share the evidence later on.

@ 10:11 PM by TNorthcutt | Comments (1)


On April 26, 2004 10:37 PM Jamie said:

Cute. The eggs weren't very well hidden were they? :)

Also, those bunnies scare me.

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