| 08.15.2004 | alton brown in mission viejo
Our favorite "celebrity chef" Alton Brown was in town yesterday so, of course, we had to attend. He was doing a cooking demonstration and signing autographs at The Shops at Mission Viejo.
We'd seen him once before at the LA Times Festival of Books back in 2002 when Marla was pregnant with Emma. He cooked ribs and signed our copy of "I'm Just Here For The Food." We figured Emma would definitely need to meet him for real this time. On the menu: beef jerky (made with a box fan) and funnel cakes. How can you go wrong with that combination?
The mall was packed, but after waiting in line for hours we finally were able to get our Sodium Chloride Containment Unit signed. (Emma entertained herself decorating cookies (and eating icing galore) while Mommy and Daddy took turns standing in line.)