| 05.29.2005 | did you miss me?

Did you miss me? C'mon now... I know what you really missed were the pictures of our two gorgeous children.

Henry's starting to get much more control over his arms, neck and legs. You can see him just kind of staring at the toys around the ExerSaucer in this set but he's now reaching out and eating everything in site. "Droolbug" is his new nickname. Can teeth be far away?

Emma is really into dress-up these days. She recieved a gorgeous princess outfit - complete with princess cell phone - from cousins Mary, Maggie, Rusty and Ben and has paraded around in it for days. (No really, paraded is exactly the word to describe it.)

She's getting Henry into the dress-up act, too, with both of them donning sunglasses for some fun. (ee Henry doing his Ray Charles impression and Emma trying hard to look like an Agent from The Matrix.

@ 5:04 PM by TNorthcutt | Comments (2)

| 05.16.2005 | emma sings, henry smiles

It's a two for Tuesday! (Yeah, I know it is Monday.)

I'm just about to run out the door and head to E3, the giaganto trade show held each year in Los Angeles where all of the various game publishers show of their upcoming wares. I'll be stuck in LA all week long suffering from sensory overload.

But you, dear reader, will be able to ooh and ahh at the gorgeous pictures of Sir Henry and his sister Miss Emma.

In the first gallery you can see Emma entertaining us all with a gorgeous rendition of "Baby You Belong" by Faith Hill. She can really belt it out and hams it up the more you smile and laugh.

"Baaaaaby you belong. Ooooh, baaaaaaaby you belong. To. Meeeeeeeee."

The second group of shots starts with dear Henry showing off his gorgeous smile. He, too, can really ham it up when he gets tickled.

He grins just like his Mommy in case you never noticed. Try comparing some of the pictures and see if you agree!

We had a great visit last week with Grandma and Grandpa Mandel down from Seattle. They enjoyed themselves and, I think, were really surprised to see how much Henry had grown in just a few short months.

@ 4:25 PM by TNorthcutt | Comments (0)

| 05.10.2005 | emma grace at 3

Emma grace celebrated her 3rd birthday this past weekend with a big group of her friends and special guests Grandma and Grandpa Mandel. All told we had about a dozen people over for dinner and cake.

She and Marla looked at the calendar each day and Emma was absolutely shaking with excitement as Saturday approached.

This year, unlike the first or second birthday parties, Emma understood what was going on. She understood she was moving from two to three, there would be a party and, most importantly, that there would be cake!

(I expect that next year she'll understand that there will be presents. Not only that, but that she'll have expectations around what she'll get rather than joyfully accepting anything that comes her way.)

There was a noticable difference in the way that the kids interacted with one another when compared to the previous birthday party. Last year they played pretty independently, each focused on their own toy or activity. None of them paid much attention to the other children around them.

The kids interacted with one another muc more this year. They played Playdoh together, they crowded around the table together, they shared cars and other toys. It was pretty amazing to see the difference. (Marla, of course, gets to see this every week with Emma's playgroup but it was new to me.)

As Jamie noted, that many toddlers in a small space can certainly be overwhelming. After the presents were opened and the sugar had started to wear off there was a palpable change in the atmosphere of the room. The kids were spent - and the adults were, too!

We had an absolute blast putting the party together and hope that everyone who was able to come enjoyed themselves. We and, more importantly, Emma certainly did.

@ 9:34 PM by TNorthcutt | Comments (2)

| 05.04.2005 | our big shrimp

Our sweet Henry Owen passed the four month mark last week and had his check-up with Dr. Dyer on Monday.

We're happy to say that Henry is doing fine and proud to report that he's now broken out of the bottom 5th on the weight chart and catapulted up to the bottom 15th percentile! He weighed in at a whopping 13 pounds 3 ounces.

Height-wise, he still doesn't register. Though standing proud at 23 inches, he's still below the bottom 5th percentile.

Keep on growing, little man!

@ 9:59 PM by TNorthcutt | Comments (6)

| 05.01.2005 | april play, april flowers

No theme in this week's set of pictures, sorry. Just a big collection of shots from the 2nd week of April.

Henry was smiling even bigger that week and Emma was darling in her new outfits after a trip to Old Navy to buy some 3T clothes.

I had a blast taking her to the playground (and she did, too) but my allergies felt otherwise. The rains that brought us the painted ladies and amazing flowers also brought a heap of pollen along with them.

I think Emma has been cursed with my genes. She sniffles, too, after playing outside. Poor Emma Grace.

With the roses and other flowers in bloom it was time break out the macro lens and try to capture them up close.

While Emma was playing outside in her sandbox I was laying on the ground trying to get close to some tiny blooms. I'm sure she thought her Daddy had lost it when there was plenty of fun to go around playing in the sand.

This update brought to you by Elliot Smith's XO.

@ 6:11 PM by TNorthcutt | Comments (1)