| 03.12.2006 | aquarium of the pacific

Marla, Emma and Henrry went to the Aquarium of the Pacific on a Mom's Club outing in January and had such a good time they bought family passes immediately. They paid a second visit with Granma and Granpa Northcutt (and Daddy!) in tow.

The highlight for Emma was not any sea creature. Though she was enthralled by the fishies, nothing captured her attention so much as the puffins. You see, we've been eating Puffins Cereal for months now and Emma has fallen in love with them. (More info on Barbara's Bakery and Puffins here.)

After checking out the sea creatures we fed the lorikeets and then headed home, happy and full ourselves.

(If the slideshow doesn't work for you click here.)

@ 12:40 PM by TNorthcutt | Comments (3)


On March 12, 2006 1:12 PM Jamie said:

Wow, great pictures! I love the ones of the jellyfish. I also got some good pics of those birds, though mine were at the San Diego Wild Animal Park.

On March 12, 2006 1:18 PM kendra said:

hi, i dont how i get here but the page is great!!!....but i can't see picture , you have very cute children's emma and henrry so beatiful


On March 15, 2006 12:41 PM Jody said:

Those puffins look pretty cool! Emma sure knows how to pick some neat birds. We can't wait to go to the new Georgia Aquarium soon.

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