| 04.24.2006 | singin' fools

Music has to be rooted deep in the brain. (Oh, look. It is!) From the time Emma and Henry were old enough to move under their own control they've been wiggling along with the beat of whatever Marla and I happen to be listening to.

(Check out what I've been playing in iTunes here. Pardon the grotesque Quake 2 crotch-grabber. It's an old inside joke at work.)

Emma, of course, took this to the next level once she was able to speak and sing and then again when she started memorizing entire songs.

Henry is now getting in on the act. He loves to boogey down whenever he catches a beat and claps along (though a bit out of time) when the urge strikes. He's also playing "backup singer" for Emma lately, with off-key "Oooohs!" and "Ahhhhhh-ahh-ahhhhhhs!"

We may just have the next Partidge Family on our hands if we keep this up!

@ 9:26 PM by TNorthcutt | Comments (0)


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