| 10.29.2006 | Mommy's Birthday

Marla quietly had a birthday in August. (Pardon the delay in writing about it!)

Emma and Henry helped me make a cake early in the morning. How much they helped vs. how much they ate is a matter up for debate. At any rate, the making was nearly as much fun as the eating! We dove into the cake early and then headed to out for a day of fun at Disneyland and California Adventure.

For those of you who regularly trek to Disneyland do yourself a favor and visit the park right across the way. It was my first visit and we had vastly more fun. There were no lines to speak of and the rides for children are nearly identical. (Ladybug Boogie = Teacups, Flik's Flyers = Dumbo, Chew Chew Train = Casey Jr.Circus Train, etc.)

We stayed late for the fireworks, which were a treat. Emma was a bit skeptical about them. She has a fear of loud noises - unless it is music at her request. They won her over, though, and she's requested that we head back to see them again.

Happy birthday, Mommy!

@ 2:46 PM by TNorthcutt | Comments (2)


On October 30, 2006 1:40 AM Grand-pa & Grand-ma Mandel said:

It'd sure obvious that everyone enjoyed "Mommy's" birthday. We can see that everyone had a blast doing what they like. Great!

On October 30, 2006 1:33 PM Jamie said:

(Belated) Happy birthday, Marla!

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