| 11.09.2006 | Faith Hill Concert

Marla and Emma are both big Faith Hill fans. (Witness Mississippi Girl if you need proof.) In late August the Soul2Soul II tour came to town and I sent my two girls to enjoy a night of their favorite artist.

Emma wore pink ear muffs to protect delicate ears. She stood enraptured for the entirity of Faith Hill's performance and only sat down once Tim McGraw took the stage. The first few pictures in this set are from that night.

The rest are just some miscellaneous shots from the remainder of August, most of them from when Daddy was out of town (again.)

@ 9:28 PM by TNorthcutt | Comments (1)


On December 7, 2006 7:43 AM emmagrase said:

from emma ad henry ucyuiewyiqciuvqxwwwwwwwwwwwyriuqvbdxbywxcrev
love emma ad henry

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