| 11.14.2006 | Party People

We went to a spate of birthday parties in the past few months. (Henry has one coming up, himself!) One of the more recent parties was Cars-themed, which Emma loved.

The unquestioned hit of the party was the cotton candy. All of the kids gorged themselves on the brightly-colored treat. Afterward, their veins coursing with sugar, the children burned themselves out on the playground.

A few observations from this photo set:

  1. Emma can swing frighteningly high these days.
    I can understand now how my parents felt when Paul and I did fun things (read: stupid) like running across the tops of the monkey bars or leaping from the swing at apex.
  2. Henry's cracked tooth is kinda cute in a twisted-sort-of way.
  3. Henry isn't really poking the dog in the eye. Honest!

@ 11:06 AM by TNorthcutt | Comments (0)


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