| 11.17.2006 | Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain

I've said a few times that I think I'm going to go straight to Hell for photos I've taken. Here's another entry that falls into the "straight-to-Hell" category.

Henry was in a whiny mood the other week, pitching fits whenever he didn't get his way. After a few of these episodes in one day I'd had enough. So, as he screamed and cried, I calmly sat right in front of him and captured the moment on "film."

I couldn't tell if the presence of a giant, unfeeling camera in his face helped or hurt the situation but I have to say that I think the pictures turned out great so I really don't care!

@ 10:05 PM by TNorthcutt | Comments (1)


On December 6, 2006 6:32 AM Jamie said:

Nah, as long as there's nothing wrong with him that needs fixing and he's just throwing a fit for the sake of throwing a fit, I say snap away. If you're trying to document his early life through pictures then you've got to capture this stuff along with everything else.

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