| 11.27.2004 | october wrap-up

I know, I know. November is coming to an end but I'm just now catching up with photos from October. The high price of shooting lots of pictures, I suppose.

There's no rhyme or reason to this gallery - it's just a hodgepodge of shots taken during the last half of the month. You'll find such gems as Emma's Hair Salon, Wet Girl With Duck, Punkin Head and Emma Playing With Scissors.

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October photo stats:

  • 281 decent shots (1.4 GB on disk)
  • 140 "keepers"
  • 89 destined for printing and the web

@ 2:49 PM by TNorthcutt | Comments (1)

| 11.24.2004 | snow on saddleback

We had a rare storm sweep into Southern California from the NE this past weekend. Our weather usually comes from the warm Pacific, but this storm brought chilly weather from the mountains our way. When we woke Sunday morning we were greeted by snow on Saddleback Mountain - a rare sight in Orange County!

Late in the afternoon we were treated to a rainbow over the fresh snow. I joined dozens of other photography nerds in capturing the moment. The last photo, the purplish one, is Saddleback in infrared.

I took the additional nerdy step of putting together panoramas since the view was so wide and great. I'm giving a package called Panorama Tools a test-drive to stitch these together. Check out PTGui if you are interested in trying.

@ 8:17 AM by TNorthcutt | Comments (1)

| 11.19.2004 | the sprinkle walk

A few weeks ago we had an amazing deluge of rain. Marla, still a Seattleite to the core, decided it was high time that her daughter take a little "sprinkle walk" and learn just how wonderful the rain can be.

Emma reveled in it, of course. (You may remember she has a thing for playing in sprinklers.)

At the slightest mention of rain she'll now head for the window to look outside ("Emma wants to see the rain!") and start dancing in anticipation of another sprinkle walk.

These were taken on Marla's shiny new Canon A75. We'd decided that she needed a small digital camera to carry around on her adventures with Emma. So far it's paid off, don't you think?

@ 3:21 PM by TNorthcutt | Comments (3)

| 11.15.2004 | lady in red, lady in cardboard box

We took a short trip up to the fountain one afternoon a few weeks ago. This is the same one we visited in July, you may remember. Seems like I even took a few of the same shots without realizing it!

I just love the little red outfit Emma is in. She seems like such a little girl in it. I absolutely love this one of her chillin' by the wall.

You'll also spot a shot of Emma proudly sporting her deputy sheriff's badge... in a cardboard box. She and Marla stopped by the new Rancho Santa Margarita town hall and met the nice sheriff. Both Emma and Baby were deputized.

We wrap up with a few pictures from Grandpaw Northcutt's brief visit with us last week while he was in town on business.

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@ 9:43 PM by TNorthcutt | Comments (2)

| 11.06.2004 | emma and the xbox

Emma has been enjoying Burnout 3 right alongside me for the past few months. She calls it "the race car game" and demands that it be played several times a week.

She's kind of like the color man in baseball, adding interesting commentary and a little play-by-play:

"Ohhhh! Daddy you crashed! Look at that car in the rolling! Oooohhhh, Daaaaddy!"

"Hehehe! That car is flying and flying and flying in the air! Oh, silly Daddy!"

"Oh, Duuuuck! Look at that silly school bus crashing and crashing and crashing! There's so much dust in the air!"

In addition to her role as announcer Emma also serves as a backup singer for the game's soundtrack. She's grown very fond of "Lazy Generation" by The F-Ups (yes, I cringe when I think about it) and she's also a big fan of "I Wanna Be Sedated" by The Ramones.

My little girl is a gamer... and on her way to becoming a punk.

@ 4:11 PM by TNorthcutt | Comments (3)

| 11.01.2004 | emma's halloween 2004

So the big day has come and gone, and Halloween 2004 was a great success! We had fun last year, of course, but this year we were really looking forward to trick-or-treating - Emma included.

emma's halloween 2004

There was an exhaustive search for a costume that was fun yet affordable. It seems silly to pay so much for something that will only be worn for a few hours at most, but apparently Halloween is now all the rage. We finally found a "pixie fairy" costume at Ralphs, of all places, for a song.

You could feel the excitement in the air as it grew dark outside. Emma couldn't wait to get into her costume and go out on the town and "get some treats." (I know the pictures don't look like she was having fun getting dressed, but believe me, she was having a blast.)

At last, the costume was on and The Pixie Fairy was unleashed! We posed for a few snapshots with the jack-o-lantern and we were off to gnab some loot. (Pictures of punkin' carvin' coming soon.)

the pixie fairy unleashed

Emma-car strutted her stuff down the street with wand in one hand and her pal, Duck, clutched in the other. I figured there was no way the neighbors could resist The Pixie Fairy's charms (her powers of cuteness were unstoppable) and we'd make out like candy bandits.

Alas, it was not to be. After the fourth house she was done.

She had dutifully walked to the door and proclaimed, "TRICK OR TREAT!" and then said, "Thank you!" after they'd given up their candy, before turning to go. (It was actually more a barely audible "trick or treat...." but what do you expect from a 2 year old?)

But after that fourth house all she could talk about was getting back home to show Mommy "all of your candy."

All of your candy, indeed. If only we could all be satisfied with a few Tootsie Rolls and some Smarties life would be good.

@ 10:30 PM by TNorthcutt | Comments (4)