| 12.22.2004 | henry owen northcutt


Let me say that again.


Less than 24 hours later and we are the proud new parents of Henry Owen Northcutt. Born at 4:59 PM on December 21st, 2004 Henry weighed in at a trim 5 pounds, 2 ounces and measured 16.5 inches tall.

Marla's labor started in earnest at around 11 AM and progressed pretty rapidly. I left her in some discomfort, but only 4 cm dialated, at around 3 PM to take Emma to The Tabor's for the rest of the evening.

Everyone - doctors and nurses included - expected the labor to be long, with nothing happening until late in the night.

That long, drawn-out labor was not to be! Marla and Henry make a good team so just an hour later (4 PM) as I arrived back at the hospital they pronounced Marla fully dialated and Henry +3 station.

An hour more, just two pushes from Marla and - biggity bam! - there was Henry.

He is, of course, gorgeous and perfect in every way. He was surprisingly alert just a few minutes after birth and would look our way when we called to him. (His ears clearly work.) His tiny little fingers and toes are amazing. I can't wait to nibble on them once we get home.

Emma met him a few hours later and was absolutely beaming, as you can see from her pictures. She was kissing on him and just begging to hold him.

Emma and I are home for the night to try and get some rest and then we'll be back to the hospital early in the morning to hang out with Mommy and Henry.

@ 1:12 AM by TNorthcutt | Comments (14)


On December 22, 2004 2:49 AM Granpaw said:

All I can say is WOW!!
Well if I had known you were up, I would have called.

You got a good one there. Can't wait to get there next week.
Congratulations to all.

On December 22, 2004 3:03 AM Grandma said:

Grandma's boohooing already!! He is just beautiful - can you say that about little boys?? Big sister looks mighty pleased (and sleepy). Talk to you soon.

On December 22, 2004 5:03 AM Jody said:

He is just wonderful! Let me just wipe the tears off of the keyboard. "Smile!!!" (that was for Marla).We love his name and love Emma's proud big sister smile. Now you have the perfect family- one of each- lucky you! We are off to Saint Simon's today but we will try to call you in a couple of days. I can't wait to hear all about him- and so the next chapter of your parenthood begins....congrats!

On December 22, 2004 5:10 AM dyno said:

Congrats Tung! Glad everything went so smoothly!

On December 22, 2004 6:20 AM Jamie said:

That's awesome, Todd (and Marla!). Congratulations on the new addition. And it's a boy! Now you get to experience parenthood from all the angles.

On December 22, 2004 6:50 AM Uncle Paul and Aunt Jessica said:

Yea! We are so excited. What a cute little man. Paul is even happier because he won the bet. You have the perfect family....a boy and a girl. Enjoy every minute of it! We can't wait to meet the little guy. Take care!

On December 22, 2004 8:36 AM David Vonderhaar said:

Future sibling trivially will be decided in the academic debate rings. Way to go.

On December 22, 2004 8:41 AM David J. Vonderhaar said:

Future sibling _rivalry_ will be decided in the academic debate rings. Where is the edit button!

On December 22, 2004 9:13 AM laura said:

We are so excited for yall! He is a cutie, definitley going to be a heartbreaker! Emma Grace is adorable as always! Love the pic of emma in the sprinkler over the summer, probably my favorite! Can't wait to see yall!

On December 22, 2004 9:17 AM Ben said:

Congrats! :D

I'm secretly glad it was a boy.

On December 22, 2004 1:07 PM The Steinhardts said:

Congratulations Northcutt's! We're so happy for you and welcome Henry. We're looking forward to meeting your new addition.
Bradi, Karli & Avery Steinhardt & Alex & Shawn too.

On December 23, 2004 4:16 PM Leigh Anne Chris and Erin said:

He is so beautiful! Marla you look so much better than I did when I was in labor!!!! We hope that everything is well and we look forward to seeing you soon!!!

On December 25, 2004 12:10 AM Henk, Bernadette and Frederique said:

Welcome to the big wide world Henry O'.

The Northcutt nation is growing.

Congrats guys!

On February 23, 2005 10:09 AM Amanda said:

I found you quite by accident. This may be answered somewhere else, but I was wondering how you came up with the name "Henry"? It isn't a common name. My son's name is Henry Christopher. He is almost 6 1/2. Both of Henry's names are family names.

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