| 04.25.2005 | henry, smiling boy

Henry has the most amazing smile. He started really showing it off the first week of April and now smiles constantly, as evidenced in the pictures. We've even had a few full-on giggles in the past few days. They are the cutest thing you've ever seen or heard.

He also absolutely adores Big Sister. He and Emma will stare at one another, giggle and smile for long stretches. She's still jealous of the attention he gets at times, but you'd never know it by the way she dotes on him.

I've enjoyed going back and looking at Emma's pictures from her early months and comparing her progress to Henry's. If you subtract his 5 early weeks they're pretty much progressing along the same time frame. We were thinking of putting him in his excer-saucer this weekend, for example, which it appears we did with Emma after about 4 months, too. (And, coincidentally, Paul and Jessica did with Bailey this week!)

Looking back at those early pictures also reminded me just how awful shooting film was. I vividly remember spending hours scanning prints and then tweaking and tweaking to make them look right. Hooray for technology!

@ 9:59 PM by TNorthcutt | Comments (2)


On April 26, 2005 6:10 AM Jessica said:

Getting big, and cuter and cuter by the week. I can tell that Emmma is a great BIG sis. Enjoy the exersaucer.....Bailey loves it. Can't wait to see the pics.

On April 26, 2005 10:45 AM Grandma said:

Henry's just too cute - those lips are so pretty. I hope Big Sister didn't leave teeth marks!

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