| 10.05.2005 | l'shanah tovah

"May you be inscribed and sealed for a good year."

We just finished celebrating Rosh Hashana, the beginning of the Jewish New Year. It is a happy celebration, with lots of focus on family and lots of reflection on the past year and the year to come. Marla made a yummy honey cake last night that I'm looking forward to digging into tonight!

Marla heard the Rabbi speak this week about his experiences during the past year that he and his family spent travelling the world exploring religion and God. It sounds like he learned a great many things - and came back with many more questions. I've always found that the leaders I looked up to the most were the first to admit that they didn't have all the answers and struggled to find their way, too. No wonder I like Rabbi Spitz.

He and his family were features in Faith and Fear in the OC Register recently. Use "poweredbysteam" as the username and "password" as the password if you don't have an account.

Happy New Year!

@ 4:32 PM by TNorthcutt | Comments (0)


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