Henry's been walking for a little over a month now.
The first weekend was just a few, furtive steps and he was very frustrated. After a few days he was having a blast, toddling a few feet before collapsing. Now, a month later, we're struggling to keep up with him.
He dashes here. He darts there. The boy can't be stopped!
The video (click to play!) shows Henry struggling to reach the video camera across the room. Try, try again. And again... and again... he finally makes it and is quite pleased with himself - as was I!
@ 8:08 PM by TNorthcutt | Comments (4)
On April 8, 2006 12:19 PM mia said:
beautiful video and is very cute henry :)
take care
On April 9, 2006 6:54 AM Jody said:
Oh my gosh! That was so funny and cute! Love the song choice; we love Johnny Cash (have you seen Walk the Line?). We are curious to know what Henry was going for as his incentive to do it so many times(toy, candy, or just a chance to touch the camera)- very determined little boy you have there!
On April 9, 2006 6:57 PM Grand-ma &Grand-pa Mandel said:
FANTASTIC! It's almost like being there. Thanks. We loved it.
On April 10, 2006 1:59 PM Granma said:
I believe he was a little distracted by Miss June Carter there!
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