| 07.31.2006 | chop sticks and water fountains

A few weeks ago we went to P.F. Chang's for dinner. I forget what the occassion was but we ended up having a blast, as you can see. Both Emma and Henry ate with abandon.

This is always a nice change of pace when it happens. Both of them tend to be picky eaters unless they're being served something full of cheese or butter and preferably fried.

I'd like to think that they were expanding their culinary horizon, consciously choosing to take a risk and try something new.

Of course, if I thought that I'd be dead wrong.

They really were only interested in making as big a mess as possible with their chop sticks and, if some exotic cuisine happened to fall into their mouth in the process, so be it.

Following the Chinese adventure we entertained ourselves for a few hours with the many activities the Irvine Spectrum has to offer. I think this trip the many fountains beat out the carousel. Both Emma and Henry were fascinated by the sight of flowing water.

@ 9:58 PM by TNorthcutt | Comments (6)


On July 31, 2006 11:11 PM Marla said:

Daddy, let's be honest. This was the first evening I played Bunko. That was all the way back in June! My how time flies!!!

On August 1, 2006 5:54 AM Jamie said:

Ha, I love the ones of Emma falling into the bed. Also, is that baby not wearing pants? Also, I miss the Spectrum Center. If I tried going to an outside mall right now I'd burst into flame.

On August 1, 2006 7:03 AM Marla said:

No...he wasn't wearing pants. We had actually had a full afternoon before meeting Todd at the Spectrum, and during it, Mr. Henry had had an explosive diaper. And good ol' me didn't have time to go home to get a change outfit! Lucky Henry. He got a new pair of shorts at Old Navy that night! Have to admit though...nice legs!

On August 1, 2006 12:07 PM Jamie said:

Between that and the new outfit that Ms. Emma got on the way to the Carlsbad Flower Fields, I'm beginning to get the idea that many of your kids' new outfits are the result of some disaster --explosive diaper, chocolate milk barf-- while out in public. ;)

On August 1, 2006 9:09 PM Todd said:

A few weeks, a few months... what's the difference, really?

I was in Chicago the other week, Jamie, when it was so hot in the midwest. One of the sales guys with me had been in St. Louis helping his family clean up after the storms.

From his description it did sound miserable but nothing like the heat wave we had here. Rancho Santa Margarita hit 107 and it was 115 up in Woodland Hills. Crazy!

On August 22, 2006 4:42 PM Jody said:

Fountains are always fun! I remember the good ol' time when Jonah and Emma threw many pennies in the fountain in Smyrna last year.

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