Just before Thanksgiving we took a trip to the family farm for an old fashioned hayride. Granted, there was no hay since we’re all allergic, but there were blankets and warm coats and a trailer full of grandchildren, cousins, brothers and wives. The only thing missing was hot chocolate and marshmallows, though we surely would have spilled it all over ourselves while bumping through the field.
Since we last visited a good number of trees had been cut to expand the available pasture in anticipation of some new residents. Also new were posh new location names: Henry’s Hollow, Bailey’s Bottom, Emma’s Pond and Madison’s Meadow. These are all sure to be hot tourist destinations in the future, so reserve your tickets now!
Henry and Emma absolutely loved the tractor and bulldozer. It was, in fact, hard to get Henry to leave. All that Johnny Tractor propoganda is paying off, I suppose.
As much fun as the first ride! Can’t believe my staff did not arrive with the goodies!!!
Those location names and signs are pretty neato!