| 05.05.2004 | play groups and duck feeding

Two new sets of pictures tonight - still playing catch up after my recent City of Heroes addiction.

First is a set Marla (who is turning out to be quite the budding photographer) took at a recent play group session. I believe most of these kids have been together for almost a year now, most of them learning to walk together. It should be fun to see how the kids react to the recent new additions.

There's also a new set up from a walk around the lake at Rancho Santa Margarita. It's a popular spot for residents of our fair city. See the Tabor's recent trip for proof!

Anyway, Emma had quite the time feeding the little duckies... or at least attempting to. The ducks weren't very cooperative. Not a single one came to sample the tasty morsels she was throwing into the water.

After we ran out of break we continued on around the lake. The "lallow" ball proved to be the key to getting Emma to finish the 1 mile walk. She chased that thing all the way around the lake!

Oh, and Grandma, don't worry: I wouldn't let her fall.

@ 10:09 PM by TNorthcutt | Comments (1)


On May 6, 2004 9:14 AM Jamie said:

See, I can't wait until I can do this kind of stuff with Sam. Go to the park. Kick lallow balls. Terrify ducks. Right now we can manage a walk down to the park near our house, but Sam usually gets cranky after half an hour or so. And before that she pretty much just sits there in her stroller, staring back at us and wondering why on earth we're doing this.

Small steps, though.

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