| 07.01.2005 | mommy's turn
I warn you readers... this may be a "mini-mini" book. But, I need fair bragging time about my children, too, and Emma deserves a big bit of those "bragging rights".
Although she continues to be a daily challenge to us, she has really been a wonder lately, and now that I've stopped pumping breast milk for Henry, she's once again getting the attention she needs. She still has little temper tantrums, and is still learning about what is and isn't appropriate, she says or does something at least once a day that really makes me stop and say "WOW, what a smart little girl."
Like yesterday, I was speaking to Todd on the phone and asking him to change the time of the sprinklers (so they wouldn't wake Henry in the morning). I didn't think she was paying attention. Twenty minutes later we are eating lunch and she's talking about the time I had suggested to Todd to change "the automation," and in such a matter of fact tone, using hand gestures and all.
She's sounding out words when she talks, telling us what letter the word stands for, and she's even tracing letters. We've been learning the Dolce sight word list and it seems she knows new words only after one day and remembers them days down the road (I'm not very faithful at making this learning a daily occurrence).
And have you seen how good she cuts coupons? She makes up an excuse to use her scissors whenever possible.
And lastly, I love the way Emma talks to me and says "Momma" and "Mommy. It just melts my heart. What a little lady!
Now we can't leave Henry out... What a smile! Every time I come into the room, he smiles. I love it!
Yesterday was his best day sitting up. Seems he does better when he has an object to focus on that isn't right on the floor. He is so observant and follows our activities very closely.
We've started him on solids. He's doing a great job smacking his lips and swallowing but it appears that rice cereal may not be his thing. We are resorting to prune juice to try and "regulate" him. But, that smile remains and he has a great demeanor.
The two of them are A LOT of work, but such pleasures to have in our lives!