| 09.08.2005 | playdate with cousin bailey

Henry and his young cousin Bailey had nearly identical due dates but, as we all know Henry Owen arrived 5 weeks early while Bailey arrived right on time (more or less).

It was amazing to me to see just how close they were with respect to height, weight and developmentally when we went back home to visit. This short collection of photos shows just how close. Henry was so tiny when he was born but now seems just about right for his age.

In addition to the new pictures we have a new "first" to report: Henry is now mobile.

He's been struggling to inch forward for over a week now, hampered by his fingers constantly being in his mouth. It's tough to crawl one-handed, ya know?

Tonight, though, the light bulb went off. He pulled those fingers out and crawled with purpose toward Emma's Huggy Buggy and LeapPad books. It was, to be sure, not the speedy crawl of a seasoned professional but more like the frantic scrambling of a soldier under fire on the beaches of Normandy.

The first documented evidence I can find of Emma crawling on our website is from January of 2003. She was booking it, as you can see, so I'm guessing she'd been practicing for at least a few weeks by then. We'll try and get a movie of Henry-boy this weekend.

@ 9:44 PM by TNorthcutt | Comments (0)


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