Thunderbird for Email

Marla and I have been using Thunderbird for our e-mail since spam became such a huge problem a few months ago. We suddenly started getting 6-8 spam mails per day after getting none for such a very long time. Thunderbird’s groovy junk-mail-protection is pretty good. (Nowhere near as good as SpamBayes for Outlook, but that’s a different story.)

I mention it as I spotted some new iconography for the Mac version of Thunderbird that’s up on // hicksdesign. I can’t tell you how I lust after Apple’s amazing design asthetics. The fact that this port looks better than the native Windows version hurts me deep inside.

Speaking of new design… we have a new one. What you think? XHTML 1.0 (transitional) compliant with the exception of a few missing ALT tags on images. Not a single table in sight! Except for those pesky old archives. Not sure if I’m up to the challenge of recoding a few hundred picture galleries. Time will tell.

7 thoughts on “Thunderbird for Email

  1. I love the design. Very breezy. Feels like a fresh spring morn or something.

    Only feedback I have is that the quote text (like in the Emma Speaks story) is hard to read on my monitor, running in 1024×768. They also look a little different in IE and FireFox. The entry titles and date stamps are bold in FireFox, but not in IE. The date stampe, permalink, and comments links also seem to be a few points smaller in FireFox. I can send you screenshots if you like.

  2. Thanks for all of the feedback.

    I wasn’t quite ready to push this live, but I jacked up my old templates and needed to do something :) I planned on spending the weekend working on firefox vs. ie issues since i’m using firefox a lot on the laptop at home (but not yet on the desktop.)

    I used relative font sizing for everything (in case grandparents what to jack font size to large or larger) so my guess is that 65% in IE is different (somehow) that 65% in firefox.

    Linebreaks should now be working.

    Blockquote is courier new, which is hard to read when it gets small. Poor choice on my end!

    Thanks again for feedback.

  3. Tables aren’t inherently bad – they were just abused by many (myself included) for purposes of positioning/design. There was no alternative way back when but CSS makes it easy. I can now change the whole look of the site in just a few keystrokes by changing the positioning in the style sheet (say swapping content and menus and changing all of the padding coloring). Good planning for the future.

    Or something.

    Mostly it was just a nerdy challenge for myself :)

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