emma swims, henry eats

Oh, hello there.

A few weeks ago Emma started swimming lessons again. As you can see from the photos, she was a little iffy about it for the first week.

Her last class was a “Mommy and Me” class, where Daddy was in the pool with her the whole time. (Mommy, as you may recall, was great with child.) Her new class is a solo gig.

I’m happy to report, though, that coming out of week three we now have the opposite problem: we can’t get her out of the pool when class is over. The solution thus far has been going home to swim some more in the “big pool” at home.

On the same day that Emma started swim class Henry started solid food. Much as sister was iffy about her swim class, Henry was iffy about the solid food.

I just crack up when I look at this particular picture. I can just imagine this being used for a B-movie poster from the 40’s – “Radioactive Mutant Cereal From Mars” or something.

You could almost see the gears turning in his little head.

“What is this pasty stuff in my mouth?” Smack, smack, smack. “I’m not so sure about this…”

By the end, though, he was having a great time, photographic evidence not withstanding.

He’s now smacking his lips in anticipation when Marla puts the bib on him. It looks like he’s going to be a much better eater than Emma ever was. So far we’ve tried squash, sweet potatoes and prunes in addition to rice cereal, oatmeal and barley. Yummy!

One thought on “emma swims, henry eats

  1. Hey Emma. Make sure to bring your swimsuit to our house. Bailey would love to go swimming with you. Can’t wait to see you. Say Hi to Henry, Mommy, and Daddy. See you soon.

    Aunt Jessica

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