Rock On!

We’ll continue the music-themed March and share some of our recent Rock Band hi-jinks with you.
While it might not seem it at first blush, but Rock Band is the perfect family game. We spend a few hours each week rocking before bed time.

In our house it is usually Emma or Marla singing, Henry banging it out on the drums and me on guitar. Emma does a mean “Mississippi Quen” and Henry has most of the words to “Highway Star” memorized. I told you they were well-rounded musically, didn’t I?

We had The Engles over for dinner one night and their kids piled on, too. I tell you, nothing beats a group of 3 – 5 year olds pretending to be rock stars. Even little Owen, just a year old, got in on the fun by the time we were all done.

3 thoughts on “Rock On!

  1. Who would have thought that “Rhinestone Cowboy”, “Y’all Comeback Saloon”, and “Hit the Road, Jack” would lead to this!

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