What Color is Mars?

What started as a simple question and some interesting images on Martian Soil has turned into a fun ride down conspiracy lane! A few rational comments on color calibration of the pictures coming back from the Spirit Rover led me to do a little Googling and reading. Apparently the color of Mars, our reasons for exploring and other topics have been the subject of conspiracy theorists for years. Check out this sampling of links on a blue(r) Mars:

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Wow! Rhapsody Continues to Amaze!

Rhapsody continues to amaze me. If you right click on a track using the latest build of Rhapsody (build 0.193) you can select “Blog Track” or “Blog Playlist” you’ll be able to post a quick and easy link (see below) to queue the track or playlist. How sweet is that?

Massive Attack’s Mezzanine is the best album ever.

If you’re a music fan you MUST have Rhapsody. I’m beginning to believe…

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MT Styles

Working on getting the photo galleries using Movable Type rather than just me doing them by hand. Becoming lazy? Yeah, a little. I’d like to automate archiving, take advantage of comments, use some of the ratings plugins I’ve seen, etc.

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