Halloween 2010

Halloween 2010 in the Northcutt household was amazing! Cora was old enough this year to wear a costume and enjoy walking around in it. Emma and Henry had conspired to make this year a Star Wars-themed Halloween. We would have Anakin (Henry), Padme (Emma) and Yoda (Cora) trick-or-treating together, truly a Force to be reckoned with. (Har har.)

While Emma and Henry followed through with some awesome handmade costumes, Cora bucked the trend and decided to be Tinker Bell instead. (“Wan be Tink costoom. Wan be Tink Bell.”) She was so cute we had to give in. A few strokes from Marla’s makeup bag and we had a rosy-cheecked fairy to go along with the future Dark Lord and his ill-fated bride.

Our Halloween was far more fortunate and fruitful than life was for Emma and Henry’s characters. We finished the night with a rich haul guaranteed to make our stomachs hurt and our teeth rot. Life is good!

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