Fall Festival

Fall Festival

Uh, whoops! So I took some really cute pictures around Thanksgiving in 2011 and never managed to get them online. How about I address that?

First up: a trip to the San Francisco Zoo with Henry’s first grade class. It was a blast seeing him and his buds from school interact with one another. I rarely get to see them at their “day job” so watching how they talked and played was a real treat. The bug house, in particular, was a delight with them alternating, “Ewww!! Gross!” with, “Whoa, that’s so cool!” depending upon the bug.

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That Was Thanksgiving

That Was Thanksgiving

Last year we took a thousand-mile-journey to Atlanta for Thanksgiving. (This year we stayed home.) The weather was colder than California, for sure, but the atmosphere was warmer with aunts, uncles and cousins galore. I have great memories growing up of 20+ person Thanksgiving meals – with both sets of families on the same day.

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Halloween 2010

Halloween 2010

Halloween 2010 in the Northcutt household was amazing! Cora was old enough this year to wear a costume and enjoy walking around in it. Emma and Henry had conspired to make this year a Star Wars-themed Halloween. We would have Anakin (Henry), Padme (Emma) and Yoda (Cora) trick-or-treating together, truly a Force to be reckoned with. (Har har.)

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It’s A Fancy Easter

It’s A Fancy Easter

Happy Easter! The Northcutts celebrated another Easter in style this year, dressing to the 9’s and turning heads from RSM to posh Newport Beach.

Among our key accomplishments this year were getting the entire family dressed and ready for church in time for the 8 AM service. New records were set that may stand for a generation or more. Following a great service at Shepherd of the Hills UMC in Mission Viejo we headed to Newport Beach for a fantastic brunch at Roy’s.

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The Beach in January

The Beach in January

We had an unusually warm day in January so we took the opportunity to visit the beach!

We started with a visit to Gary’s Deli in Corona Del Mar. We’ve been coming here since just before Emma was born, though the time between visits has increased. It had been at least a year since we ate at Gary’s this trip but the owner behind the register still remembered us and had our usual order punched in without us even asking. That’s service!

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