That’s Henry

That’s Henry

We were in Georgia for Henry’s 6th birthday a few weeks ago and had a small, understated party. That’s a big difference from the bowling extravaganza we had last year.

What’s that? You’ve never been to a bowling extravaganza before? Well, let me tell you all about it. There are balls and shoes and lanes and bowling alley cakes and pizza and neon lights and…

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Happy First Birthday, Cora Belle!

Happy First Birthday, Cora Belle!

It’s hard to believe that an entire year has passed since Cora joined us but time does fly, especially when you are having fun.

We had an excellent birthday shindig this evening, attended by many and enjoyed by all. A few photos for now with more to come. As you can see, of course, the birthday girl enjoyed both her first slice of pizza as well as the yummy cake that followed.

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