Despite her age and her size, Cora is determined to do everything that her older brother and sister might do. This includes carrying a backpack, doing “homework”, playing piano and riding a bicycle.
Both in Orange County and here in San Rafael, most mornings Marla, Emma and Henry ride to school with Cora in tow in the carrier. It has been the source of constant argument, with Cora insisting that she ride her scooter or bicycle right alongside them. “I’m a big girl, not a baby!” is her constant assertion.
And it is true. She’s losing her baby fat, getting taller and much more independent. This weekend bicycle excursion was no exception. While she’s been slowly (and I do mean slowly!) pedaling around on the patio out back this was her first outing away from home. We spent a solid hour tooling around the Dixie School District parking lot and she couldn’t have been happier.
Fantastic. That was great. We’ve got to admire our little grand-daughter.
Little Miss Independence. She does have a mind of her own. I like that.
Good work Cora.