henry owen turns one

Our sweet Henry-boy turned one on December 21 and was surrounded by friends and family. About a dozen families, some from GameSpy and some from Mom’s Club, helped us celebrate the occassion.

Truth be told, I think the party was a little larger than we’d planned. We held the party on the 21st, a Wednesday, at 6 PM. We assumed that being so close to Christmas and the party starting before most folks come home from work (6 PM) that attendance would be sparse. Not so – and thank goodness, as I couldn’t imagine a smaller party being any more fun.

The older kids did some “crafts” out in the garage, making Chrismas ornaments and other things involving glue, glitter and scissors. The younger kids spent most of their time playing with the kitchen-sink-and-stove. (It continues to be a hit.)

When the appointed hour came, Henry attacked his cake and enjoyed getting messy. This is very much unlike his sister, who wanted nothing to do with a mess when she turned one.

A great big thanks to everyone who was able to make it such a fun time. For those of you who couldn’t come, we wish you could have been here! Thanks to all for the gifts and cards. We’re still opening them all!

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