I Got Wet

“Daddy, can we go home now? I’m cold,” says Henry after plowing straight into the water. Sounds just like my first visit to the Pacific 20 years ago… Some lessons can only be learned first hand.


3 thoughts on “I Got Wet

  1. Hi Todd,

    Like your blog by the way. Hey, I hate to bug you but I ran the Harding Hustle back in July and made a request to you for copies of two photos taken of me. They were great pics and I was hoping to get the digital copies to print myself (and share with friends/family). They are images 167 and 168 on your HH page – file names look to be 20110709_081617.jpg and 20110709_081625.jpg. Again, I would greatly appreciate it and am willing to compensate for the images. Please reply back and let me know. Thank you in advance!


    • Hey, Don. Sorry, this got lost during my move a few months ago. Look for an e-mail from me shortly with the photos you requested. Hope you enjoy them!

  2. Pingback: Overnight at Monterey Bay Aquarium - Powered By Steam

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