daddy-daughter dance 2006
Emma had been anticipating it for weeks. She and Marla went out and bought a special dress just for the occassion.
“This is my Daddy-Daughter Dance dress!” she squealed with excitement.
Emma had been anticipating it for weeks. She and Marla went out and bought a special dress just for the occassion.
“This is my Daddy-Daughter Dance dress!” she squealed with excitement.
Well, it’s a long way from Star, Mississippi
To the big stage I’m singing on tonight
And sometimes the butterflies still get me
When I’m in the spotlight Continue reading
What a sweetheart! Lots of close-ups and smiles in this set of pictures.
Emma starts to grin at us this week! She’s so adorable – if we don’t say so ourselves! It’s great to finally see some personality emerging from our little angel.
Lots more sleeping and eating take place this week, just before Todd’s parents head back to Atlanta. We took full advantage of having the helping grandparent hands, believe me.
An enjoyable week with Marla’s parents helping us care for Emma. Baby Emma did a lot of sleeping and eating this week – go figure! Two full weeks of parenthood down. What will the future hold?
Our first few days at home in the freshly-painted, bright green nursery. Marla’s parents visit for the first time. Our little home is crowded but happy!
We spent the next few days with Emma in the NICU at UCI Medical Center. Emma had an elevated white blood count, but all was well in the end.
These photos were all taken on the day Emma was born. Don’t worry – these are all from after her bath. Continue reading