Overnight at Monterey Bay Aquarium

Overnight at Monterey Bay Aquarium

Henry has only been in Cub Scouts for a few months but our list of activities keeps piling up. At the beginning of November we were able to go on an overnight trip with the Scouts to the Monterey Bay Aquarium. We are no strangers to aquariums, having been members at the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach. Staying overnight, though, was a whole new experience. We had the place virtually to ourselves, which made for a very leisurely visit.

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Born to Swim

Born to Swim

Emma joined the Rancho Santa Margarita Dolphins swim team this year and took to the water like, well, a dolphin. She practiced multiple times per week focusing on the 25 m freestyle and 25 m backstroke. Despite being the shortest person on the team she wasn’t (always) the slowest. By the time for the first meet her body was tan and her stroke smooth.

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