| 09.26.2004 | stockholm, part 2

My trip is coming to a close and soon I'll be headed home! We're due to deliver our project tomorrow afternoon and then I head back to the States on Tuesday morning.

I managed to slip away from working for a few hours on Saturday and wander around Old Town (Gamla Stan). The big churches you see in a few of the pictures were built in the 1200's! The bulk of the buildings on the little island were build in the 18th century, but that doesn't seem to stop the Internet nor tacky tourist shops.

I've gone a little panorama crazy, if you can't tell. It's so much fun and pretty darn easy when you're shooting digital, anyway. I love the boats in the one up above.

Continue reading "stockholm, part 2"

@ 2:47 PM by TNorthcutt | Comments (1)

| 09.22.2004 | stockholm, sweden

I'm in Stockholm! We arrived early on Tuesday (GMT+1) after a grueling 14 hours in the air and immediately went to work with our good friends at DICE after a quick shower and shave.

Even in Stockholm, the largest city in Sweden, the atmosphere is amazingly relaxed and laid back. Everything seems to move at a much slower pace. It's refreshing!

Our hotel, Hotel Rival, is just a half-mile or so from DICE. (Apparently Paris Hilton prefers the Rival to her own chain.) Check out the funky room. It is great fun to WALK to work - even in the rain - rather than sitting in a car for 45 minutes, grinding along at 25 MPH. I could get used to this.

I'm not sure, however, that I could get used to buying my video games at the 7-Eleven. How strange.

Enjoy the few pictures I've taken or check out this rad "birds-eye view" of Stockholm I stumbled across the other day.

Continue reading "stockholm, sweden"

@ 3:01 PM by TNorthcutt | Comments (2)

| 09.18.2004 | yes, i like that party hat

I've been a lazy, lazy Daddy the past few weeks. My camera has mostly been in the bag and I've been playing Burnout 3: Takedown on the Xbox non-stop.

I shook off the funk, though, and put up a few shots from the first half of August earlier today, as well as a great "party hat" set. (If you don't know about party hats you're not reading enough P.D. Eastman.)

I've also been on the road for work. I was in Austin last week at the Austin Game Conference. I gave a presentation in Austin on "The Implications of Namespace Design" - you're impressed, I'm sure. (Not!) I'm heading back to Sweden on Monday for more consulting on one of my favorite franchises.

Marla won't be lonely, though. Grandma and Grandpa Mandel are in town for all of next week. They've enjoyed their visit so far - I think they're impressed at what a handful our Emma can be. They had quite the adventure getting down here. They were among the thousands stranded by the radar/radio outage last week.

Oh, one final note. Emma has decided on a name for the new baby: Henry Train. We think it's grand. Don't you?

@ 9:26 PM by TNorthcutt | Comments (0)

| 09.08.2004 | northcutt family in town

Grandma and Granpaw Northcutt were in town a little over a month ago. Emma had a good time playing with them. Need evidence? See below...

I was in Seattle at the Microsoft Meltdown for much of Grandma's visit but as you can see, no one missed me :) Much fun was still had by all.

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Continue reading "northcutt family in town"

@ 9:51 AM by TNorthcutt | Comments (3)