| 07.18.2005 | henry's first tooth

Henry has his first tooth! It's a little out of focus in the picture below, but you should be able to make it out.

We spotted it under the gum a few weeks ago and early last week it finally broke through. Grandpa Mandel won a fabulous prize (a batch of delicious cookies from Marla) for guessing Henry's big news first. They're on the way, Grandpa... promise! (Well, "on the way" as soon as Marla makes them!)

We can't leave Emma out, so here's her story of cuteness for the day. I had crawled under Henry's crib to lower the mattress since he's grown so much. Emma, of course, had to join me.

She wasn't actually much help (go figure) but it was nice having the company. I even got a kiss while working!

Emma Helps Daddy Work Daddy, You're Such A Man!

Anyway, after I had finished lowering the mattress and was putting the drawer back under the crib Emma looked at me and exclaimed,

"Oh, Daddy. You're such a man!"

If only all girls were so easy to impress!

@ 9:39 PM by TNorthcutt | Comments (4)


On July 18, 2005 11:01 PM Marla said:

As if you need to impress anyone else but me and Emma...hmmmmh.

On July 19, 2005 6:04 AM Jessica said:

Emma, you are TOO cute. Way to go Henry.

On July 19, 2005 11:26 AM Jamie said:

Nice. After I fixed the toilet Sam just tried to cram a stuffed animal into it.

What do you guys do for teething? A friend recommends freezing a whole dill pickle and giving it to them to gnaw on, but we haven't tried that yet.

On July 20, 2005 3:07 PM Marla said:

We actually don't have any tricks up our sleeves. Just alot of toy "eating" and drool. Sorry! We used Motrin at night with Emma(although I think the Motrin irritated her tummy more), but not a thing with Henry so far.

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